Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Patrick - Cooking - Paradoxical

My parents come back tomorrow and so I had to tidy up the kitchen... well... a few minutes later I started cooking again. So the whole cleaning didn't make any sence... but ok! That's not the point! The point is, I just cooked some pasta and surprisingly it wasn't that bad! *giving myself a slap on the back*

Even though there were so many strange things... I had some spicy tomato sauce in a glas and wanted to put it in a pot to heat it... but I read on the glas "Preperation: Take off the cap and put it in the microwave or put the glass in some heated water"... well I already got the pot... that was too much confusion! Not least because the pasta was almost ready!
After a long long time... the water finally was heated (what didn't mean that the sauce was heated as well!!!)
But in the end I got some pasta (uncooked 350g! But I ate them cooked of course^^) and half a liter tomato sauce I am almost exploding!
The second plate full with pasta was even bigger!


Blogger Christine said...

Männer sind mal wieder überfordert oder? Naja haste gut hingekriegt....mindestens ist das haus nicht explodiert....

8:29 AM  
Blogger Pat-rick said...

das hab ich mir auch gesagt ;-)

10:11 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

oh weia! kaum ist der große bruder aus dem haus, muss der kleine für sich selbst sorgen.. und siehe: es war sehr gut ;-)

12:38 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

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12:40 PM  
Blogger Pat-rick said...

>>"kaum is der große bruder aus dem haus, muss der kleine für sich selbst sorgen.."<<...pah! der kann ja nichtmal wasser kochen (übertrieben gesagt;-)), da muss sowieso immer ich kochen^^

1:32 PM  
Blogger justmeandmyworld said...

gut gemacht PatrACK! ;)

3:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ich schulde dir immer noch ein Essen... meine Speisekarte hatte ich vergessen... next time..:D

8:08 PM  
Blogger Pat-rick said...

hehe, ja aber ich finde wir haben schon mehr geschafft als sonst wenn wir etwas machen wollten!

8:16 PM  
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2:33 PM  

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