Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Jelly Lemmings

Today I became witness of one of the most stunning happenings of nature. I was sitting there having lunch when I heard a strange noise... after looking around I realized a small herd of Jelly Lemmings nearing the "cliff"! You could really see the systematic of forming a line to jump off of the cliff!

Further pics soon...

Friday, October 20, 2006

I need this picture to use it as a background...

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Patrick - Cooking - Paradoxical

My parents come back tomorrow and so I had to tidy up the kitchen... well... a few minutes later I started cooking again. So the whole cleaning didn't make any sence... but ok! That's not the point! The point is, I just cooked some pasta and surprisingly it wasn't that bad! *giving myself a slap on the back*

Even though there were so many strange things... I had some spicy tomato sauce in a glas and wanted to put it in a pot to heat it... but I read on the glas "Preperation: Take off the cap and put it in the microwave or put the glass in some heated water"... well I already got the pot... that was too much confusion! Not least because the pasta was almost ready!
After a long long time... the water finally was heated (what didn't mean that the sauce was heated as well!!!)
But in the end I got some pasta (uncooked 350g! But I ate them cooked of course^^) and half a liter tomato sauce I am almost exploding!
The second plate full with pasta was even bigger!

Thursday, October 05, 2006

This is my brother and me! Just as we are: thoughtfully!

Eine kleine Unterhaltung mit dem lustigen Mann!

Hab keine Lust das jetzt auf Englisch zu machen...

Ich saß heute so um 16:10 Uhr an meinem Computer auf der Arbeit... da kam der Putzmann, der das Haus schon seit 28 Jahren putzt. er fängt an bei uns zu putzen und sagt während er mich anguckt:

Putzmann: "Der Vater wartet oben auf dich!" (und guckt dabei weisend nach oben)

Patrick: "°_° ...! Erm... wie..."

Putzmann: "Der Major!"

Patrick: "Achsooo! Mein Vater! Ja klar! ok! Alles klar!"

*puh* ich war erst so geschockt weil ich dachte nur "was geht denn jetzt bitte ab???"!!!

Ansonsten ist er aber auch total nett und alles. Er hat einen total coolen Akzent :-D! "Habe Ich gärade mit Ihre Sohne gesprochen!" und für gewöhnlich kommt hinter jeden Satz ein "ne?" und redet weiter! "Kannte ich deinä Vata schon als ä so' klein wa!"

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Can you imagine?

Can you imagine...
... me as a really "cool" guy...

... Christine as a fly...

... Daniel as a twin...

... and Michelle as a Hippy?

...Neither do I!

I'm at home at my Computer

I'm sitting here at home in my room! And my Computer is intact! It's working! well... actually it's just that I installed another keyboard... but there was only one connection in the computer... so I couldn't use the mouse... because the mousepad is broken as well (that's what I figured out in that moment...). My father brang a adapter home from work, so I could connect mouse and keyboard! I started the PC and wanted to log in... and as you can guess the keyboard didn't work, because the adapter was broken! Then came the moment where I figured out that the mousepad is broken as well... because I thought "ah ok! I just use this extra keyboard and the mouse pad..." - No sooner said than done. But as mentioned the mouse pad didn't work... then I cam to this option: the docking-station! which I actually didn't want to use because it's so big... but I used it then... there were to connections, so I could connect mouse and keyboard... The longer the speech, the less thought: With the last option it works!